Types of Land Titles in Sarawak, as at 31 March 2020 Types of Land Titles in Sarawak

Source Types of Land Titles in Sarawak
Description Types of Land Titles in Sarawak, as at 31 March 2020 for Kuching, Sri Aman, Sibu, Miri, Limbang, Sarikei, Kapit, Samarahan, Bintulu, Mukah, Betong and Serian.
Format CSV
File Size 804 B
Downloads 33
Package ID 71f3ec90-6662-42df-88a9-9a1615bfcbfa
Resource ID eec711a1-90c6-4193-b164-d5abe94611fa
Revision ID 6dc58888-acd2-4353-b877-7c108aedf610
Published Date 02/11/2020 07:48 AM
Last Modified 02/11/2020 08:54 AM
MD5 Checksum fd429cac2c52f69b1161f8c1b0e0769c

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No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Type Text
3 Kuching Text
4 Sri Aman Text
5 Sibu Text
6 Miri Text
7 Limbang Text
8 Sarikei Text
9 Kapit Text
10 Samarahan Text
11 Bintulu Text
12 Mukah Text
13 Betong Text
14 Serian Text