The Visitors Statistic for 2018 Visitors Statistic to National Parks, Nature Reserve, Wildlife Centre and Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Sarawak

Source Visitors Statistic to National Parks, Nature Reserve, Wildlife Centre and Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Sarawak
Description Figures from Jan to Sep 2018.
Format XLSX
File Size 19 KB
Downloads 108
Package ID 9b7ca4d5-d9f8-42d9-a9fa-4bb9081a1ab3
Resource ID 9b503402-bb37-4a80-8e90-f75679a088f3
Revision ID fb932603-6120-4352-b310-de29554856e0
Published Date 10/05/2018 07:48 AM
Last Modified 01/12/2018 10:33 AM
MD5 Checksum 23b54ce698e4566a600989336181cf9a

Data Explorer



No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Division Text
3 Type Text
4 Name of Park/Centre Text
5 Visitor Type Text
6 Jan Numeric
7 Feb Numeric
8 Mar Numeric
9 Apr Numeric
10 May Numeric
11 Jun Numeric
12 Jul Numeric
13 Aug Numeric
14 Sep Numeric
15 Total Numeric