Types of Land Titles in Sarawak, as at 31 December 2020 Types of Land Titles in Sarawak

Source Types of Land Titles in Sarawak
Description Types of Land Titles in Sarawak, as at 31 December 2020
Format XLSX
File Size 10 KB
Downloads 65
Package ID 71f3ec90-6662-42df-88a9-9a1615bfcbfa
Resource ID 956d272a-cfeb-44d3-ae15-d21d3c73fe1a
Revision ID 8e236ed0-72d8-46a4-91d2-a9fe33f0f5ed
Published Date 26/02/2021 06:46 AM
Last Modified 26/02/2021 06:46 AM
MD5 Checksum 7c4a520406412ce612b3be24ccf33c60

Data Explorer



No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Year Numeric
3 Month Text
4 Type Text
5 Kuching Numeric
6 Sri Aman Numeric
7 Sibu Numeric
8 Miri Numeric
9 Limbang Numeric
10 Sarikei Numeric
11 Kapit Numeric
12 Samarahan Numeric
13 Bintulu Numeric
14 Mukah Numeric
15 Betong Numeric
16 Serian Numeric