Registration of Instrument By Division By Month in Sarawak, September 2019 Registration of Instrument By Division By Month in Sarawak

Source Registration of Instrument By Division By Month in Sarawak
Description Registration of Instrument By Division By Month in Sarawak on September 2019
Format XLS
File Size 144 KB
Downloads 36
Package ID b03bd885-0395-4f31-8b2c-6510a0d41e86
Resource ID 64ab412d-9c5f-4ebc-be70-be054a589093
Revision ID f22f262e-1f4e-4a02-b6c0-4926e071667f
Published Date 16/11/2020 03:35 AM
Last Modified 16/11/2020 03:36 AM
MD5 Checksum 0be0165c27126ef7cc67249c36d5fb0e

Data Explorer



No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Year Numeric
3 Month Text
4 Type Text
5 Instrument Nature Text
6 Kuching Numeric
7 Sri Aman Numeric
8 Sibu Numeric
9 Miri Numeric
10 Limbang Numeric
11 Sarikei Numeric
12 Kapit Numeric
13 Samarahan Numeric
14 Bintulu Numeric
15 Mukah Numeric
16 Betong Numeric
17 Serian Numeric
18 Total Numeric