Land Titles By Usage in Sarawak, as at 31 December 2017 Land Titles By Usage in Sarawak

Source Land Titles By Usage in Sarawak
Description Land Titles By Usage in Sarawak, as at 31 December 2017
Format CSV
File Size 2 KB
Downloads 34
Package ID ceee0b01-f9c2-4725-acd7-91331d7a035c
Resource ID 4e790421-fc27-4b8c-be5d-2710396a6b2f
Revision ID d520473b-1b3b-4257-8f32-dea67562eb0a
Published Date 21/05/2019 03:40 AM
Last Modified 21/05/2019 03:40 AM
MD5 Checksum 619f291c423c27c2eee8de1b8c80b4a9

Data Explorer



No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Year Numeric
3 Month Text
4 Division Text
5 Agriculture - No. of Titles Text
6 Agriculture - Area in Hectares Text
7 Residential - No. of Titles Text
8 Residential- Area in Hectares Text
9 Commercial - No. of Titles Text
10 Commercial- Area in Hectares Text
11 Industrial - No. of Titles Text
12 Industrial- Area in Hectares Text
13 Others - No. of Titles Text
14 Others - Area in Hectares Text
15 Total - No. of Titles Text
16 Total - Area in Hectares Text