Inventory of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Sarawak 2012 Inventory of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Sarawak

Source Inventory of Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Sarawak
Description This data is provided by relevant local authorities.
Format XLSX
File Size 11 KB
Downloads 73
Package ID 6f7df2e6-45c2-4e7f-9e5b-cecc0eaa397b
Resource ID 1c5adddf-8579-470b-9c68-33e4d13044e3
Revision ID aa1b2388-5005-436c-bcbc-f911cd79d808
Published Date 03/05/2018 04:42 AM
Last Modified 03/05/2018 04:42 AM
MD5 Checksum c1e2be39495e8f49b9583d0490de40be

Data Explorer



No Field Type
1 _id Integer
2 Local authority Text
3 Individual Septic Tank (Nos.) Numeric
4 Individual Septic Tank (PE) Numeric
5 Communal Septic Tank (Nos.) Numeric
6 Communal Septic Tank (PE) Text
7 Public Sewage Treatment Plant (Nos.) Numeric
8 Public Sewage Treatment Plant (PE) Numeric
9 Sewer Length (m) connected to Public Sewage Treatment Plant Numeric
10 Stations Pump (Nos.) Numeric
11 Private Sewage Treatment Plant (Nos.) Numeric
12 Private Sewage Treatment Plant (PE) Text