Data on Water Supply

Dataset Description

Estimated Water Supply Coverage, Current Water Supply Statistics, List of Gazetted Water Catchment areas, Water Supply Dam Features, Total number of registered Mainslayer and Pipe fitters, and Water Tariff Meter Charges By Water Supply Agencies in Sarawak

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Agency Ministry of Utilities Sarawak
Topics Utilities
Tags Utilities, capacity, catchment, coverage, dams, mainslayer, pipefitter, treatment, water
Maintainer Tan Chee Ming
Licence License no specified
Total Downloads 1479
Package ID -
Revision ID 9d9c84d9-7e2f-4b40-be48-a526a35ec6ab
Published Date 11/05/2018 03:27 PM
Last Modified 21/05/2019 03:08 AM